Because fillGenetyp software is writen using C language, so you must use correct software version matching the hardware platform. If you use 32bit computer at intel platform, please use x86_32 versiont and use x86_64 version for intel 64bit platform. the download link is as follows:  


Linux Platform download URL

INTEL platform
AMD platform

INTEL_32 for intel 32bit platform Downloadlink: INTEL_32

AMD_32 for intel 32bit platform Downloadlink: AMD_32

INTEL_64 for intel 64bit platform Downloadlink: INTEL_64

AMD_64 for intel 32bit platform Downloadlink: AMD_64

Once you have downloaded this software, firstly copy it into linux computer and run gunzip command to expact this software. Then using chmod command to let software be executable. For example: chmod +x fillGenotype

The parameters of this software is as follows:

fillGenotype -w <window-size> -k <K-value> -p <punishing score> -r <percent-ratio> -i <input-fle> -o <output-file>
-w, --windowSize
define window size
-k, --K-value
define the number of neighbor
-p, --noequalPunish
define punishing score when two genotypes are not same. It must be integer.
-r, --percentRatio
define the ratio which the most genotype account for in all neighbor genotype
-i, --inputFile
the name of input file
-o, --outputFile
the name of output file

The example containing complete parameter:

fillGenotype -w 80 -k 5 -p -7 -r 0.7 -i example.input -o example.output


For input file, each row is a SNP site and each column is an inbreeding line (or called an accession). You can see the test file "example.input" for details. For example, in the line 1 of the file, "A" and "C" represents both alleles at the SNP site, and "-" means missing data.

@copyright 2010 by National Center for Gene Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences